Hello, and good morning!
In order to hold myself accountable and simultaneously provide a road map for where I want this website to be by the time A Clockwork Melody gets published, I'm going to rant into the void about everything that still needs to be completed.
Finish up the boring legal aspect of sorting out money nonsense and making sure all t's are crossed and i's dotted, so to speak. This is a bit too complex and sensitive to discuss on the internet, but trust me when I say it is a massive headache to deal with (but very necessary).
The web store will eventually be a place to purchase the ebook directly from the website, and I hope one day hardcover copies of the book... but for now, it's in shambles. Can't figure out how to get that orange off the background. Absolutely tragic, abysmal, horrid shade of orange for a background.
Compile a detailed list of chapter-specific trigger warnings, including whether or not they occur implicitly or explicitly, whether they are experienced by the main character (current POV), and potentially the outcome? Difficult to know how much information is too much information, will do further research.
I have a portfolio set up for character portraits and concept art, but I'm not sure whether or not I want to have it up and running for book launch. The trouble with some of that artwork is that it's inherently spoilery, and I am trying desperately not to spoil the book before it's even published!
On the topic of art... there are still some characters I haven't drawn. Partly out of fear, admittedly. At some point, they will need artwork to be added to the current list of characters.
In addition to the aforementioned character art, I had the bright idea to task myself with creating some promotional artwork for the book... because it would be so fun to post a wanted poster with no context on instagram.
Most importantly, finish writing the god damned book. I'm hoping to do one last final edit to make sure everything makes sense and looks all right, and then it's getting squashed through an ebook formatting software.
I have reached a level of stressed that I haven't felt since I was in post-secondary, and I cannot convey how devastating it is that this is all self-inflicted. As much as I continue whinging, however, this truly is a dream come true. I'm ecstatic to have come so far and to be so close to the finish line... just the task of getting there is going to be absolutely brutal, I fear.
Until next time (and hopefully with a positive update),